Wednesday 22 April 2015

Tonight on CopBlock Radio | Contributor Georgia Sand

cop block radio graphiccop block radio graphicTonight on CopBlock Radio special guest Georgia Sand, CopBlock Contributor, joins us to talk about her most recent articles at For those of you who missed them:

Copwatching and its Impact on Policing, Law, and Justice, in the California Law Review:

Her article juxtaposes traditional “community policing” models of police accountability, which focus on collaboration and cooperation between community members and police for the purpose of coming to a consensus, with the more adversarial model of copwatching, wherein organized groups (such as Cop Block) film police and question police tactics for the purpose of deterring or highlighting police abuse. The article is almost 60 pages long (download here), and argues,

“…the practice of copwatching illustrates both the promise of adversarialism as a form of civic engagement and the potential of traditionally powerless populations to contribute to constitutional norms governing police conduct. Organized copwatching serves a unique function in the world of police accountability by giving these populations a vehicle through which to have direct, real-time input into policing decisions that affect their neighborhoods. This article urges scholars and reformers to take adversarial, bottom-up mechanisms of police accountability seriously – not just as protest, but as true participation…”

She notes this phenomenon is not new, as this practice emerged as early as the 1960s, when Black Panthers and other civil rights groups patrolled neighborhood streets with firearms, cameras, and notepads to monitor heavily policed areas and document their observations.

Killer cops: Slagers Dashcam Footage Released:

In a surprising turn of events, North Charleston police officer Michael T. Slager has has been charged with murder for the homicide of a suspect while on duty.

A video filmed by an anonymous bystander depicts an interaction between Slager and the victim, Walter Scott. The video depicts Mr. Scott struggling briefly to free himself from Slager’s reach. He seems to be slapping Slager’s arm away or knocking something out of the officer’s hand; he then quickly turns to run away. As he is running with his back toward Slager, Slager immediately draws his weapon and begins firing in rapid succession. When Slager starts firing, Mr. Scott is probably more than 15 feet away. Slager fires 8 times, killing Scott. Mr. Scott’s family reports he was hit five times – four times in the back, and once in the ear.

We will also be talking about several articles posted on CopBlock this week. Including:

Woman shot by Police Charged with Assault:

Tania was then taken to the hospital where authorities were preventing her family from visiting her. After community outrage and a protest march that ended at the hospital, authorities have consented to let her family see her. Members of the community are still enraged by the shooting, claiming that it was absolutely unnecessary.

Ademo’s series “Better Than a Cop”

Max Demby doesn’t consider himself a hero (have you noticed this is a trend with people who do good things without the expectation to do so), but he most certainly was to the woman he saved from a sexual assault. It was around 2 a.m in the morning when Max was walking home and he heard screams coming from near the Engineering Center on the Boulder campus. Without thinking and in what he described as “autopilot,’ Max simply ran towards the screams for help.

All of that and more on this week’s CopBlock Radio, live at 10 pm (eastern) at You can also call in via 413.418.COPS or check out last week’s show below. We look forward to having another great show.

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