Wednesday 22 April 2015

Leo Zagami: Vatican Plagued by Homosexuality, Satanism & Islamism


April 22, 2015

Last Pope web.jpg
Leo Zagami says a powerful gay network
in the Vatican engages in pedophilia and Satanism
and threatens to bring down the church.
Pope Benedict XVI resigned because of the power
of this gay underground. 

“The hypocrisy of the Catholic Church,

infiltrated by greedy Freemasons, Zionists, Satanists,
Muslims in bed with the Vatican Gay Lobby, needs

to end, or Pope Francis will be indeed,
the last Pope.”

The Vicar of Anatolia, who died under

mysterious circumstances in 2010, claimed that as many as 40 Vatican

cardinals had secretly converted to Islam. ISIS, a creation of the transnational

lodge known as Hathor Penthalpa, is preparing for ‘The Conquest of Rome’

and the possible destruction of it.

by Leo Zagami

Scandal involving a vast network of homosexual priests continue to rock the Italian Catholic Church. The most recent scandal erupted in the city of Taranto where the archbishop removed a priest after videos of gay orgies came to light.

These scandals involve a powerful Vatican Gay Lobby, which is guided by two eminent figures described in my book, Pope Francis: The Last Pope?

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone (1).jpg(left, the Pink Pope)

One is powerful Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, left, known also as “The Pink Pope,” the ex-Secretary of State of the Vatican, and the other is Francesco Camaldo, who appears in Assange’s Wikileaks, with the nickname “Jessica,” a key asset of the Central Intelligence Agency in the Vatican homosexual circles since the early 80’s.

This brings us to the heart of the present decline of the Catholic Church, made of internal power struggles, and a variety of scandals that are not only the fruit of sexual perversion, but also of a strong belief in Satanism amongst many of the clergy involved in homosexual activities, which often seem linked with the plague of pedophilia.

The media censorship in the West keeps these scandals out of the public eye. For the first time, a well documented book made by an insider, full of documents and credible sources cited in a meticulous way, will provide a full prospective of this dramatic problem, without the impression that this is a so-called, “Conspiracy Theory,” but factual reality.

In my book, you will discover that Cardinal Bertone, who is linked to the Academy of the Illuminati of Grand Master Giulian Di Bernardo, is now residing in a 700-square meter luxurious penthouse bigger then Pope Francis’ present residence. This infuriated the Pope, who can do nothing about it because Tarcisio Bertone, as Secretary of State, conducted a special in depth investigation to gather compromising info on all those who reside inside the small Vatican State, including the use of drugs, mainly cocaine, and male prostitution.

He can now use this information to protect his new position of secret leader of the Vatican Gay Lobby, a sort of Pink Pope. My investigation was conducted in parallel to a more official one, which later brought the resignation of Pope Ratzinger; as stated in The Guardian:

images.jpg(left. Ratzinger and “Jessica” Francesco Camaldo)

A potentially explosive report has linked the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI to the discovery of a network of gay prelates in the Vatican, some of whom – the report said – were being blackmailed by outsiders.

The veil was originally lifted by the Vatileaks scandal, which erupted after Pope Benedict XVI’s butler, Paolo Gabriele, was arrested for aggravated theft of secret Church documents.

This included letters to the Pope and the then Vatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, sent from the Holy See’s ambassador in Washington, Carlo Maria Vigano, who was deputy governor of the Vatican City.

The letters contained allegations of corruption in the management of the Vatican City centered in the Banking institute called IOR, one of the two main key problems area examined in my book.


Another growing problem seems to be the secret expansion of the Islamic faith amongst the clergy, (especially the Jesuit one). ISIS, a creation of the transnational lodge known as Hathor Penthalpa, is preparing for “The Conquest of Rome” and the possible destruction of it, in line with the prophecies I present in Pope Francis: The Last Pope?

The Vicar of Anatolia, who died under mysterious circumstances in 2010, claimed that as many as 40 Vatican cardinals had secretly converted to Islam and were secretly reciting the Qur’an in the Vatican. They all seem to like a particular text linked to Islamic belief. The book in question, popular with both Sunni and Shi’a Muslims, is the Jawshan Al Kabir, which means “the strong cuirass” (or breastplate). It is a supplication originally ascribed in a narration from Zayn Al-‘Abidin, the son of Husayn, to his great-grandfather, the Prophet of Islam, Mohammed.

The New World Order is pushing, thanks to the Gülen movement on the moderate side, and ISIS on the fundamentalist side, (both part of the Sunni tradition), the concept of an Islamic Caliphate preparing with a planned Muslim expansion, the arrival of Jeb Bush in the White House.

In the meantime, let’s not forget who the alleged lover of Hilary Clinton is, Huma Abedin, apparently a relative of Osama Bin Laden, whose family was also in business with the Bush’s former Oil Company.

All these criminals are part of powerful para-masonic bodies and influential Illuminati and Masonic lodges, some known as Ur-Lodges. This is a subject I am sure will shock most Americans, which I will further expose in my upcoming book Confessions of an Illuminati vol.1, available in January 2016. Where for the first time I will reveal, a fully documented, insider perspective of this complex subject known as the New World Order and the Illuminati.

Within the Vatican, and inside the White House, we indeed find the enemy. The farce of the powerful Military Industrial Complex, as Dwight D. Eisenhower called it, will go on forever and prosper, if we don’t wake up and take action in realizing who is really pulling the strings of world domination. The hypocrisy of the Catholic Church, infiltrated by greedy Freemasons, Zionists, Satanists, Muslims in bed with the Vatican Gay Lobby, needs to end, or Pope Francis will be indeed, the last Pope.


Sources for the article:
Leo Lyon Zagami, Pope Francis: The Last Pope ( San Francisco: CCC Publishing, 2015).
Gioele Magaldi, Massoni, Società a responsabilità illimitata La scoperta delle Ur – Lodges (Milan, Italy: Chiarelettere, Masons, unlimited responsibility company, The discovery of the Ur-Lodges, 2014).

Leo Lyon Zagami BIO

Leo Lyon Zagami first became popular on the internet as the result of his blog on his direct involvement with the NWO and the Illuminati. He has a written a series of books in Europe and in Japan based on subjects ranging from history of the secret societies and the Vatican to the New World Order. He is the president of the Cultural Association called Ordo Illuminatorum Universalis which helps spread knowledge and work, based in Florence, Italy.

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Comments for “Leo Zagami: Vatican Plagued by Homosexuality, Satanism & Islamism”

Al Thompson said (April 22, 2015):

This article should be a warning to anyone who is a Roman Catholic. Just get you and your children out of the “church.” None of the well-known “Christian” churches are christian in the biblical sense of the word; unless of course christian is really pagan and someone forgot to tell everyone. I don’t know which is true, but the Roman Catholic church is probably a product of the Pharisees. In my opinion, the Pharisees have always run the Catholic Church. Again, all you have to look at are the results which are outlined in this article. Who in their right mind would want to attended their “services?”

It’s now my view that religious groups are there to intentionally mislead people into a satanic stupor. They do it with some correct doctrines or truths, and then distort them to their own advantage. This spills over into government so between bad government and bad religion, the satanists have left a mess for mankind.

People should learn to stop feeding the beast. It grows because people continue to feed it through their attendance in churches and donations. Same thing goes with the paying of taxes to satanic governments. When you see the level of child abuse that goes on in these places, why would anyone want to support them? It’s much better for your own sanity to simply separate from them and stay out of their way.

Satanists want people to disobey the commandments and the natural law And by convincing people to do that, they have effectively destroyed life as God had intended. They pull evil doctrines out of their collective asses and then try to tell us “God said it.”

This article should serve as a good warning to “Christians”, Muslims, Jews, and Hindus. These religions exist to manipulate the mind of mankind in a very unseemly way. Again, look at the poor results, that’s all you need to know.

Marcos said (April 22, 2015):

Zagami’s article (here he comes again) may be right in the accusation of several crimes committed by people in the Vatican, but it doesn’t help much in explaining their overall objective.

Pope Francis is heavily engaged in the promotion of the global religion, of which obviously he or his sucessor will be the head. This will be the gnostic faith of the Perenial Philosophy, that states that there is a (Luciferian) light behind any religious tradition.

The Pope has promoted several interfaith conferences, the last one in November, with this intent. He is specially committed to bringing American evangelicals back to Rome, with the help of people such as Rick Warren, Kenneth Copeland and Bishop Tony Palmer (who recently died in a motorcycle accident). He has recently supported the world government, sponsored a global warming meeting and is planning a trip to Philadelphia next September.

This man is powerful and influential. It has been disclosed that he was responsible for the Cuba/USA rapprochement.

According to Bible prophecy, a world religious leader will boost the acceptance of a global political leader, the coming antiChrist. This man will be the False Prophet. Today, there is none who could fill this description other than the Pope.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

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