Thursday 30 April 2015

Cops Tackle Woman to the Ground and Cuff Her for Rescuing the American Flag


VALDOSTA, GA — A video has been uploaded to YouTube showing several police officers grabbing at a woman and placing her in handcuffs after she tried to protect the American flag from being desecrated and trampled.

The incident took place at an event on Valdosta University campus, during which students are said to have been desecrating and stepping on an American flag.

At one point a woman, who happens to be a US military veteran, saw the flag being stepped on and decided to intervene by picking it up off the ground and taking it away.

From the original poster:

“..The campus refused to do anything about it … So we decided to get the flag and give it the respect it deserved…We just wanted to remove it and dispose of it properly…The American flag represents our Freedom why would you want to walk on that??? Please repost as much as possible make this go viral people need to see the truth…I wonder Donors of VSU are ok with this blatant disrespect of the flag.”

The students who were protesting began complaining to the police that the woman took the flag, even though they had been stepping on it like a piece of garbage and showing that they could care less about it moments beforehand.

The students can be heard shouting that the woman has “white privilege,” seemingly excited to watch authoritarian State power being employed against the woman.


Regardless of one’s views on leftist academic identity politics and the dialogue of “privilege,” the fact that cops even so much as laid a finger on this woman —  a woman who was merely trying to pick up a flag and who was not harming anybody — is a testament to the fact that cops will resort to force whenever they get the opportunity, even if it means using that force against someone trying to symbolically defend American principles.

At one point a shorter, pudgy cop can be seen puffing his chest in the air trying to stare down his nose at the women, screaming “All of y’all gonna take your hands off this flag right now!”

Another officer then steps forward moments later and begins grabbing the woman who was holding the flag, putting his hand near her inner thigh, which causes the woman to become alarmed and yell “Stop!”

The situation then escalates, and the cops begin forcing the woman to the ground and placing her handcuffs as she struggles to free herself.

None of the students object to her treatment.

It used to be that cops would show contempt for political activists who desecrated the flag.

Political views aside, one can’t help but notice irony in the fact that cops have become so intoxicated with their positions of power, that they are now the ones facilitating the desecration of the flag by attacking people who try to pay it respect.

What are your thoughts on the incident? Were the cops justified in attacking this woman because the students claimed she had “white privilege” and she wouldn’t let go of the flag when commanded? Let us know after you watch the video…


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