Thursday 23 April 2015

Texas Officer Slams Woman Knocking Her Unconscious (VIDEO)

A story breaking right now out of Texas shows a police officer slamming a woman to the ground for “resisting.” The video above claims that the officer was trying to force the woman onto the car and when she resisted he slammed her to the ground. She was knocked unconscious from this action. The woman seems to have been driving drunk and creating a disturbance at a local business. I wish someone would have offered to give her, and  her daughter, a ride home instead of resorting to calling the police. It’s clear the police only know how to use force to handle most situations, so calling the police is very dangerous and rarely helpful.

There is no reason for this officer to use this level of force especially against a woman who’s drunk, handcuffed and in the view of her 6 year old daughter. Of course, there’s no reason to be driving drunk with your kid in the car and creating disturbances at someone’s business, though the justice should have been the decision of the victims. Not a KO delivered by a police officer.

This is the second shocking video coming out of Texas this week, yesterday Kelly Patterson posted about a Texas State Trooper who shot and then karate kicked a motorcyclist. See video below:


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