Wednesday 22 April 2015

“Don’t Be Racist” – Federal Guidelines Outline New Stop-And-Frisk Polices For NYPD

CREDIT: NY Daily NewsCREDIT: NY Daily News

CREDIT: NY Daily News

In a hilarious attempt at reform, Federal officials overseeing New York City Police are introducing new concepts to Police Academy recruits regarding the departments controversial ‘stop-and-frisk’ program.

These include suggestions like: “Don’t be racist, don’t mock others, don’t tell sexist jokes and don’t hassle people for no reason.”

Calling it “Policing 101,” Federal monitor Peter Zimroth, asked a federal judge Monday to approve the training materials so they can presented to new cadets graduating in June.

Zimroth filed more that 75 PowerPoint slides with the court that detail among other things, how officers should conduct what he called “constitutional stop-and-frisk practices” that ban stops based on race.

“Do not imitate the speech patterns of others: This will appear disingenuous, artificial and possibly racist,” the material reads. “Avoid expressing stereotypical assumptions [like] ‘he’s Irish but I’ve never seen him drunk.’ ”

The proposed material results from a 2013 federal ruling declaring the departments stop-and-frisk practices unconstitutional.

The material has much to do with explaining when it is appropriate to stop and frisk someone, and how the spontaneous searches should be conducted.

“Unless you tell a person why you stopped them, they are likely to believe that your actions were arbitrary,” the material reads. “Keep in mind that, when you stop and question people, you are letting them know that (in your judgment) they look wrong. You need to expect the people you stop may resent it.”

Zimroth says the material was developed in collaboration with the department and the city government.

Other “Policing 101″ guidelines outlined in the material include: “Remember most people are good, law-abiding citizens,” that “generic descriptions of a suspect like ‘young black male’ do not support a reasonable suspicion,” and “do not engage in racial profiling.”

According to the New York Civil Liberties Union, in 2014, New Yorkers were ‘stop-and-frisked’ by the police 46,235 times.

38,051 were totally innocent (82 percent), the civil rights organization says. 24,777 were black (55 percent), 12,662 were Latino (29 percent), and 5,536 were white (12 percent).

The group also asserts that innocent New Yorkers have been subjected to police stops and street interrogations more than 5 million times since 2002.

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