Friday 3 April 2015

Obama's Dirty War on Yemen Murdering Civilians

Obama’s Dirty War on Yemen Murdering Civilians

by Stephen Lendman

Civilians suffer most in all wars. Yemen is no exception. Sanaa is becoming a ghost town.

One shopkeeper said “(t)here are very few people left here. Everyone has fled, and those who have stayed live alone without their families.” 

“So hardly anyone comes to buy anything anymore.Now I’m lucky if I make $20 a day.” 

“How can I pay my rent or even my electricity bills? If the situation stays like this then I’m sure I’ll be out of business within days.”

According to Yemeni Post editor-in-chief Hakin al-Masmari, “(a)t the beginning they were targeting only Sanaa, so people were fleeing to the provinces.” 

“However, now they have expended to the suburbs as well.”

Yemenis in attacked areas are trapped in their homes. They face shortages of essentials to life – including food, water, medical supplies, and power.

Yemen already is the region’s poorest country. War exacerbated things greatly.

Even where food and other products and services are available, most Yemenis can’t afford them. Survival for many is threatened.

A growing refugee and unemployment crisis compounds things. Human misery affects millions.

The World Food Program says about 13 million Yemenis have only polluted water for drinking and other uses.

Around a million aged-five or under Yemeni children are malnourished. Expect the number to grow exponentially in coming weeks and months.

The Pentagon is coordinating Saudi-led terror-bombing – choosing targets, supplying munitions, providing intelligence, refueling attacking warplanes, and providing other services.

Sputnik News reported US warships shelling Yemeni targets. Air attacks struck residential neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, power stations, a Hodeida dairy plant, and other nonmilitary sites.

Reports indicate growing shortages of everything essential to life.

Areas being attacked are paralyzed. On April 2, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos issued a statement saying: 

“I am extremely concerned for the safety of civilians caught in the middle of fierce fighting in Yemen.” 

“I call on all parties involved to meet their obligations under international law and do their utmost to protect the ordinary women, children and men who are suffering the consequences of the conflict.”

“Reports from humanitarian partners in different parts of the country indicate that some 519 people have been killed and nearly 1,700 injured in the past two weeks – over 90 of them children.” 

“Tens of thousands of people have fled their homes, some by crossing the sea to Djibouti and Somalia.” 

“Electricity, water and essential medicines are in short supply.” 

“Those engaged in fighting must ensure that hospitals, schools, camps for refugees and those internally displaced and civilian infrastructure, especially in populated areas, are not targeted or used for military purposes.” 

“Despite the grave dangers, United Nations agencies and humanitarian partners are coordinating with the Yemen Red Crescent and local authorities to deliver emergency health kits, generators so that people can get clean water, food and blankets.”

Much more than delivered is needed. Bombing and blockade prevent access to Yemeni territory.

“Before this recent escalation in the violence, millions of Yemenis were already extremely vulnerable,” said Amos. 

“I hope that peace, security and stability will be restored as soon as possible.”

Chances to achieve it are virtually nil. With Saudi-led ground forces mobilized to invade, expect bloodbath conditions to follow.

Hundreds of thousands already were displaced – maybe heading for millions.

UN Children Fund Yemen representative Julien Harneis calls what’s ongoing “a terrible situation, and it is moving so fast.” 

“We are heading toward a humanitarian disaster” on top of others Washington bears full responsibility for throughout the region.

Scores are dying daily, many others injured. Children are gravely affected.

Half of Aden’s electricity was knocked out. Conditions in many areas are disastrous after only nine days of terror-bombing.

Nothing in Yemen today is normal. US imperial arrogance is systematically ravaging and destroying another country.

High crimes against peace are being committed daily. Arab lives and welfare don’t matter.

Washington and its area proxies slaughter them in cold blood. Bodies piling up attest to their barbarity.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at 

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