Thursday 2 April 2015

Why Evidence of Government Corruption Was Suppressed in the Silk Road Trial

Why hadn’t this information come up during the trial of Ross Ulbricht, the 31-year-old who was recently convicted? of crimes related to running the site?

A trove of court documents were unsealed on Tuesday, shedding more light on what happened behind the scenes before the trial even began. In short, Ulbricht’s lawyer knew about the investigation into corruption by the federal agents from early on, but wasn’t able to use the information in his defense.

To recap, former US Secret Service (USSS) Special Agent Shaun Bridges and former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent Carl Mark Force IV were arre?sted on money laundering and fraud charges stemming from their time on the Baltimore Silk Road Task Force, an agency that worked to take down the site.

Source Article from

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